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Welcome to my site.

I`m very much an amateur photographer who loves to wander and take pictures.

What do I like to photograph? Anything that interests me really. Architecture is a passion of mine but my main pleasure is just observing my surroundings; It`s amazing how you don`t notice things around you, even though you might have lived there all your life.

I also get great inspiration looking at works of art; pictures taken by famous photographers and watching some amazing photography vlogger`s channels.

Why have a web site? It`s my photo album that hopefully people will enjoy and want to come back to look at. It`s also an inspiration for me to try and improve my photography.

I`ve always enjoyed photography but have only taken it seriously during the past two years, so my aim is to give more thought to the pictures that I want to take. My main philosophy though is: if I get one good picture whilst out and about.....wonderful; if not; at least I`ll have had a good walk. That makes it much more enjoyable.

Thank you to everyone for visiting.

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